

Africultures Drought Monitoring and Early Warning. A collaborative service of AUTH (Greece), Scuola di Ingegneria Aerospaziale (Italy), and University of Cantabria (Spain). The service runs now in a test-operational mode. We are open to your comments! Contact us

Mosquito Vision

Mosquito Vision is a mobile app to monitor mosquito nuisance. It is a product developed by ECODEVELOPMENT  SA in the framework of the EWSMD project, in collaboration with our group. Available now in GooglePlay!

Greece: Climatic Anomalies

ERA5 temperature anomalies

Temperature anomalies have been calculated over Greece using the ECMWF-ERA5 reanalysis dataset. Find more details here

ERA5 precipitation anomalies

Precipitation anomalies have been calculated over Greece using the ECMWF-ERA5 reanalysis dataset. Find more details here